Get 1-on-1 Advice from a

Freelance Writing Coach

Stuck in Your Freelance Career?

  • Looking to break into freelance writing but not sure where to start?

  • Want to learn the ins and outs of content marketing (from someone who’s been in the game for 15+ years)?

  • Hit a plateau in your freelance career, and you’re not sure how to take the next step?

Find the insight, guidance, and motivation you need to launch your career forward.

A writing coach speaking to a pupil through a video call.

Want to Get That Book Over the Finish Line?

Finally find the motivation to start (or to finish) that book idea!

A writing coach is many things.

  • A second set of eyes.

  • A sounding board.

  • An accountability partner.

  • An honest, objective opinion.

If you’re serious about writing that book, let’s chat.

OK, I’m interested! What does this all cost?